A personal message on investing in the next chapter for HeyPeers from our CEO and Co-founder, Vince…“There was a time in my life when I was in need of a support group. The one I wanted to attend was about 35 miles away from my home in…Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
Mindyra Partners With HeyPeers to Offer Support Groups, Certified Coaches to Employees Struggling…Mindyra Partners With HeyPeers to Offer Support Groups, Certified Coaches to Employees Struggling With Mental HealthOct 5, 2021Oct 5, 2021
10 Positive AffirmationsAffirmations are statements with the goal of positively impacting the conscious and subconscious mind. The goal of affirmations is to…Oct 1, 20211Oct 1, 20211
Supporting A Loved One With Chronic IllnessChronic pain is when someone finds themselves feeling constant or chronic pain in either their body or mind/thoughts. Chronic illness can…Sep 17, 2021Sep 17, 2021
Different Ways To Practice Self-CareWhether you are stressed out, sick, or just plain exhausted, self-care is something that is often overlooked. It’s self-care time, which…Sep 10, 20211Sep 10, 20211
How To Prepare For Seasonal DepressionThere is a sudden onset of seasonal depressive episodes in the autumn or winter months that may last through the early spring and into…Aug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021
Tips For Going Back To The OfficeFor those working remotely during the past year and a half due to COVID, it is time to return to the office for many. Here are some tips…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
How to Maintain Mental Wellness in Times of Hectic StressThere is no denying it, times are hectic. With all the stress that we face on a daily basis in life, mental wellness can be an elusive goal…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Journal Prompts for Mental WellnessTo get started with journaling about mental health, you can write down your feelings over the day. This may help you identify situations…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
How to Cope with Depression When You Have a Job: Tips for Getting Through the DayIt can be hard to get through the day when depression is in full swing. You may not have any energy; you may feel sad or anxious all the…Jul 29, 2021Jul 29, 2021